Club Leadership

The Committee

Photo Role Person Main Focus Known for
Dan President Dan Oatley Mountaineering Annual epics on the Clogwyn y Person Arete. Maybe one day he'll reach the pub on time.
Sia Secretary Sia Pineschi Sport Climbing
John Treasurer John Freeman Hill walking/climbing Having razor night vision because he can’t remember a headtorch for the life of him.
Emma Membership Secretary Emma Guilfoyle Hill Walking (but recently climbing) Being the life of the camp fire.
Sophie Social Sec Sophie Loehr Trad-Mum but dipping toes into mountaineering Her love for slabs, her side kick Rolfe the Golf and always wearing an item of tie dyed clothing.
Dayne Meets Officer Dayne Paulding Hill walking Nearly *censored*, apparently.
Will Green Climbers Rep & Communications Officer Will Green Anything trad. Becoming a statistic on Left Wall earlier this summer. (The ‘falling off the top move’ kind of statistic.)
Simon Bateman Walkers Rep Simon Bateman Hill walking, scrambling. Over packing on treks in the Alps. Talking a lot about going climbing but seldom following through.

Club Operations

Photo Role Person Main Focus Known for
Elsa Partnerships Officer Elsa Gregori Hill walking Being absolutely obsessed with nav while simultaneously being not very good at it.
Zarif Inclusion Officer Zarif Shafiei Walking Wildly underestimating walk times. Great at long term planning, maybe less at short term planning.
Ross Webmaster Ross Mackay Mountaineering I’ll get some profile waffle over soon. Similar length to the current ones?